The First Time I Ever Read: Jeff The Killer

Hi, my name is Jack. My friends like to call me 'loser.' We're such great friends! I have no idea why they run away when I get close!
Anyway, I love creepypasta! I've read the famous ones like: Cupcakes, Rainbow Factory, Dipper Goes to Taco Bell (Though it's not really a creepypasta...), Rugrats Theory, 1999, The Shovel and Where The Bad Kids Go... Good ones that deserve more recognition, even horrible ones like Sonic.exe, and on that fated day, Jeff The Killer.
It started off like any other day. I was on the Creepypasta wiki, looking at forums. I was looking for the next creepypasta to read. These forums were old. In fact, some of them were already closed. I scrolled down to the next message. A user called 'Jeff_The_Killer_Fan236' suggested talking about 'JTK.' I accessed my brain database. No, I definitely didn't recall any creepypasta where the acronym would be 'JTK'... I scrolled down to the next message. A user called 'Kawaii_desu_shoujo123' (fuckin' weeaboos) replied, "OMG! I loved Jeff! He's so kawaii!" As humans are naturally curious, I had to see this angel she called 'Jeff.' Boy, how I wish I hadn't figured it out.
I went to Google and looked up this 'Jeff'. The first result that popped up was a creepypasta called Jeff The Killer, much to my delight. If it was the first result, then it must be popular. And if it's popular, it must be creepy.
I clicked the link. The first thing I saw was the most hideous face I have ever seen.
There was a boy, his face was completely snow white. There was black circles around his eyes. He seemed to have no eyelids. A crudely carved smile was carved into his cheeks.
"Awesome!" I thought, "With a person like that as the center of attention, this will have to be creepy!"
Without further ado, I scrolled down and began reading...
"What the fuck is this?!"
The story was a horrible piece of crap. It was sooo badly written. Bleach was suddenly flammable, and 12 year olds had guns. I think I got autism reading that shit.
Soon, I got done reading it.
"What a piece of sh-"
Suddenly, Jeff The Killer came out of the computer screen.
He said "Go to tomato!".
Well, those words were so fuckin' satanic, that I instantly died.
Then, I came back to life to write this story.
Well, I'm about to die again in 30 seconds because 30=triangle and TRIANGLE=ILLUMINATTI! But, before I do, I'll write: